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BradWesley123 commented on a list
"Bond. James Bond" - Choose you favorite Bond Film (24 movies items)

"1. Skyfall 2. Casino Royale 3. Goldfinger 4. Goldeneye 5. From Russia with Love"

12 years, 2 months ago
BradWesley123 commented on a list
Listal's Best Christmas Movies 2012 - Result (53 movies items)

"1. It's a Wonderful Life 2. A Christmas Story 3. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation 4. The Grinch Who Stole Christmas (Original Animated) 5. The Polar Express"

12 years, 3 months ago
BradWesley123 commented on a list
Fictional Character Crossover Fights (41 movies items)

"1. Patrick Swayze (Dalton) Road House vs. Jean-Claude Van Damme (Jean Vilain) The Expendables 2 2. Tommy Wiseau (Johnny) The Room vs. Andy Serkis (Gollum) The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 3. Er"

12 years, 3 months ago
BradWesley123 commented on a list
Eyegasm - 1 (36 places items)


12 years, 3 months ago
BradWesley123 commented on a list
Listal's Favorite Animated Films (The Results) (353 movies items)

"1. Toy Story 2. Toy Story 3 3. Toy Story 2 4. Fantastic Mr. Fox 5. Up 6. Shrek 2 7. Wall-E 8. Ratatouille 9. Finding Nemo 10Kung Fu Panda 2 11. The Lion King 12. Frankenweenie 12. Monster's Inc. 13. P"

12 years, 4 months ago
BradWesley123 commented on a list
Academy Award for Best Visual Effects: 2000's (30 movies items)

"Thank you. "

12 years, 4 months ago
BradWesley123 commented on a list
Favourite animated films, favourite character (59 movies items)

"Great List."

12 years, 4 months ago
BradWesley123 commented on a list
You're not tanned, you're orange (32 person items)


12 years, 5 months ago
BradWesley123 commented on a list
Don't Rent the wrong movie (XXX Porn Titles) (71 movies items)

"Great List Suggestions: "True Clit" "Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Blue Balls" "Transgenders: Revenge of the Ballin'" "Transgenders: Dark of the Poon" "The Legend of Zor's Ho" "Super 8 Inch"

12 years, 5 months ago
BradWesley123 commented on a list
Face to Face!(Updated) (73 movies items)

"Great List, love "The Brave" one the most. It looks like Brando might eat Depp."

12 years, 5 months ago
BradWesley123 commented on a list
Director's Cut:Actors Cut From Movies (15 movies items)

"Not incredibly different from your list, but this link has a couple more. http://www.avclub.com/articles/and-kevin-costner-as-the-corpse-14-cases-of-actors,43682/"

12 years, 5 months ago
BradWesley123 commented on a list
When IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes disagree (65 movies items)

"Suggestion: "The Tree of Life" has a %84 positve rating on RT, but only a 6.9 on IMDB."

12 years, 5 months ago
BradWesley123 commented on a list
Let It Rain - Choose Your favorite rainy scenes (69 movies items)

"1. Blade Runner 2. Magnolia 3. Road to Perdition 4. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 5. The Shawshank Redemption"

12 years, 5 months ago
BradWesley123 commented on a list

"Uggie from "The Artist""

12 years, 5 months ago
BradWesley123 commented on a list
I Thought You'd Be Bigger: Part 1 (50 movies items)

"Not sure, still compiling."

12 years, 5 months ago
BradWesley123 commented on a list
Listal's 100 Greatest Movies Of The 00's (220 movies items)

"1. The Dark Knight 2. Million Dollar Baby 3. Slumdog Millionaire 4. The Departed 5 (Tie) The Lord of the Rings Trilogy 6. Juno 7. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 8. Up in the Air 9. The Hurt Loc"

12 years, 5 months ago
BradWesley123 commented on a list
History in 100 Movies (100 movies items)

"Great List, suggestions Margin Call or Inside Job: The 2008 Financial Meltdown "

12 years, 5 months ago
BradWesley123 commented on a list
15 Movies that Can Also Be Watched Backwards (15 movies items)

"Pretty Woman =)"

12 years, 5 months ago
BradWesley123 commented on a list
My 2013 Razzie Movie Predictions (13 movies items)

"For worst picture, I agree with Twilight, That's My Boy, & Battleship. I would say the other two didn't make enough of a big impression for them. I would say the other two slots are filled by John Car"

12 years, 5 months ago
BradWesley123 commented on a list
Best Movie Trilogy?Vote (50 movies items)

"1. The Dark Knight Trilogy 2 The Lord of Rings 3. Toy Story 4. Star Wars (Original) 5. The Godfather- Based soley on the strength of the first two."

12 years, 6 months ago

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